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What We Do


The Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses/Association canadienne des infirmières et infirmiers en soins de pieds (CAFCN/ACIISP) is a non-profit organization formed by practicing advanced foot care nurses from across Canada whose mission is to support and improve the foot health of Canadians, and advance the practice of foot care through a collaborative and networking process for all individuals providing foot care.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses is to advance the practice of foot care through a collaborative and networking process for all individuals providing foot care.

  1. Collaborate with health care professionals across Canada to promote optimal foot care and improve client foot health.
  2. Develop and implement educational opportunities related to foot health.
  3. Support a certification process for advanced foot care nurses in Canada.
  4. Promote public awareness of foot health and of the role of an advanced foot care nurse within the health care team.
  5. Facilitate the development and publication of evidence to contribute to the advancement/improvement of foot care and client foot health.