Best Practices Guidelines for Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Critical and Semi-critical Medical Devices in BC Health Authorities (PDF) Health Services – Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Best Practice Guideline for Foot Care Devices (PDF) Institute for Preventive Foot Health
A registered non-profit organization committed to raising awareness about the importance of caring for the feet.LEAP (Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention)
“LEAP was developed at the HRSA National Hansen’s Disease Program in 1992.” This was the first best practice site that focused on prevention of amputation for those with peripheral neuropathy.RNAO (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario) Some Guidelines and Fact sheets are available in French.
Reducing foot complications for people with diabetes »
Assessment and Management of Foot Ulcers for People with Diabetes »Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia
See DCPNS Patient and Provider Foot Care Resources for a complete kit of documents and resources IHS (Indian Health Service) Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
This website has a wealth of information and tools developed for the management of diabetes in the aboriginal population of the USA. Health Diabetes Best Practice Foot Care Revised April 2011
This best practice guideline was developed in 2005 for the prevention and management of foot complications in the aboriginal population of the USA. Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes Foot Complications
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health February 6, 2008
These Guidelines were developed by a working group of podiatrists, diabetes educators, wound care nurses, family physicians, vascular surgeon, home care personnel and the Provincial Diabetes Coordinator of Saskatchewan Health and is intended for the use of all health care providers involved in care of adults with diabetes. Reflected throughout the document is the full commitment to an interdisciplinary team approach and the importance of continuity of care.,94,88,Documents&MediaID=2400&Filename=diabetes-clinical-guidelines.pdf&l=English
Best Practice Resources directly related to Nursing Foot CareChad Ringstrom2022-02-07T16:57:27-06:00