May 2017

The Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurse (CAFCN) is pleased to announce the first edition of the National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada (2017).

The competencies described in the document are the product of an extensive consultative and collaborative process conducted across Canada. In the fall of 2016 the draft framework, assumptions and competency statements were shared with external stakeholders for review and comment.

The Mission of the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses is to advance the practice of foot care through collaborative and networking process for all individuals providing foot care. One of our goals is to develop educational opportunities, national guidelines and a certification process for advanced nursing foot care. The National Competencies for Advanced Nursing Foot Care in Canada will provide a platform to move forward to meet our goal of national certification.

As CAFCN continues working towards national certification, we will be working with educational programs across Canada offering nursing foot care education to assist in aligning program outcomes with the competencies outlined in the document, thus preparing graduates for national certification.

CAFCN does not consider this publication an end product with regards to competencies, but rather the beginning. We anticipate that this first publication of advanced nursing foot care competencies in Canada will provide the basis for ongoing development and refinement from this point forward. The competencies describe the knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgments required for advanced foot care nurses in Canada to provide safe, ethical and competent care to clients.

If you have thoughts or comments about the competencies, please share them with us by emailing [email protected] and we will make note for the second iteration of the document.

Aussi disponible en français.

Cover of Competencies Report
Cover of Competencies Report - French